Wednesday 24 February 2010

Did you know,,,?

There's currently two works stuck to my wall staring me in the face and I'm not sure what to do about them.

I might just stick them together and see what happens.

One Thousand And One Ways

Something short - Feb 2010

Blue bulb with fur scarlet.
Digits up Celeste, five fold.
Goblin’s A to Z shuffled into the skins of moles.
Whilst correct, Mark pumps propped.
Distortion landed on cotton tones.
Pound sticks pronounce, Jack submerged.
Clicks and ring, roll around, tap.
Orange aloft with Bleu.
Loaded beams, quivering tanks.
Stringent echo strain off left behind.

Thanks to Peter, Paul and Percy.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Update - Feb 2010 - Stuff That I'm Listening To

Does anyone know how the title auto finished for me?

Anyways, finally having an online connection means I'm getting back up to date with things.  I'm also in a new space which means I can start getting things for my bedroom setup (sweet).  But a big space to chill in is what's really getting me going at the moment.

So, in the tradition of blogs that once were - Stuff That I'm Listening To.

Miike Snow - 

Self-titled album and remixes, including Thom Yorke and Vs Vampire Weekend.  Tracks of note have to be Silvia and Animal.  This is just glorious and has been on my radar for a while, but I'm disgusted as to only be getting on that now.  Mesmerising.

Temper Trap - 

Sweet Disposition is just a beautiful song.  A wonderfully uplifting start that builds into a real mover.  Also, Fader (check out Pivot remix).  The album is Conditions.  A real warm and uplifting collection that really makes you think these guys care and think about what they do rather than dribble out what they think are expected.

Animal Collective - 

a re-occurrence really, and something you have to be in the right mood and setting for, but when you are... uh.  Just perfect.  (Merriweather Post Pavillion, which has the trippiest and best album cover of the last who knows how many years.  That isn't it there, but instead a lovely .gif to go 'ooh' at.)

Owl City - 

A little saccharine after the 15th track, but the ethereal feel and the awesome imagery of an insomniac is something I can really connect with.  Being awake and watching the world at 4am is something that you can only really understand if you're a real night owl or insomniac and it's a wonderful thing to have an album you can really connect with, maybe not something everyone can claim with this one.  Fireflies, and the album of the same name.

Ellie Goulding - 

I've mentioned her a long time ago, after hearing a collobartion with Frankmusik.  A little on the commercial and now she has a big record company behind her, a little overproduced, this still sounds great.  Magical in ways and a really dreamy and ethereal sense in the songs.  What pop should be really.  Hoping the album lives up.  (Under The Sheets, Starry Eyed).

The XX - 

The FATM remix is pure bliss for six and half minutes.  If you visit Rough Trade East you can get a special edition copy of the self titled album which features a bonus CD with some lovely exclusive tracks.  (And yes, I know this is another old one but still-)

So there we go.  Brick Lane on Sunday.

Monday 15 February 2010

Blu Tak Ideas - 15th February 2010

In the morning, played
Sweet ether remains.
Earthy notes, bitter flow.
Vacant joy, position

Fire flies, outward
Vision isn’t seeing.
Striking disposition
Jarred, bed sitten

Clearing ice cold
Hands pushed backward,
Scarlet Miss Charlotte
sits on the hay.

Smiles and knives,
circling boxes
that never need and leave
ideas up high, starry eyed.

Shelf watched hero,
Footsteps treaded skyward.
Never quite healing
Exhale dealt, return to sender.

Monday 1 February 2010

Un petite message

I don't use this blog for personal mentions usually but I lost contact with someone unintentionally in the last couple of months and have no way of contacting them through some unfortunate events.

In a hope that they see this, know that my absence is not deliberate and I would like to see you again should the opportunity present itself.

Update - Feb 2010

So it's been a while since my last post which is down to a number of things, primarily having no internet where I now live being the main one.

I've been concentrating on a piece of work made up of shorts, poetry and photography of the local area that I live in, more of which will be to come.

I'm also looking at music production, so I'll be making my first steps in that in the next few months.

Just thought that I'd give a quick post whilst I have the chance and to make it clear that the blog hasn't been abandoned.

I've posted a piece below that I wrote last month, which forms part of the work mentioned above.  It's not a finished article but gives an idea of the kind of stuff that will be featured, although some of the stuff may be a little less literal, or obvious, as this piece.

Don't Leave Coco - December 2009

Don’t Leave Coco
All the fairytales and post it notes
Of the Brick Lane boys and girls
The Cushion Reindeer art
And the vintage Polaroids.

Samba Mexican beats strained with gin
Mix and match accents that go by
The stale smell of wet cigarettes
Wear it down.

Taking off broken bangles
And playing in the rain
(Mis)Educated spirits
There’s a lot of that going around.

Like plastic boats that line rivers
Streaming down like corporate art
Sunshine fruit and morning mud
Paper tickets fly away.

Don’t Leave Coco
Downtrodden and disbelieving
Heavy hearts and weary muscles
Solar plexus, soul represses